Friday, February 5, 2010

Ramon Angeles, Lake City, was laid off more than a year ago. He has a degree in agronomy and ran a chicken farm. Because of the declining economy the company he had a contract with let him go. Since then, farmer's markets and his religion have kept his family afloat. His three children moved out to larger cities and are striving to become professionals in other fields. Working the land is all that Angeles knows. After loosing the contract, his land was all he had left, so he began growing crops. With his wife recently falling ill, he sent her to Dominican Republic to recuperate while in the company of her family members. Every day he works the land not knowing when his wife will return and when he will be able to retire. Photos and captions by- Andres G. Farfan

1 comment:

  1. me gusta la foto porque tiene mensaje;una expresion natural, que marcada, mas que por el tiempo, por la recequedad de su piel ajada y marchita;refleja los anos de arduo trabajo,bajo el sol;sin embargo mantiene su sonrisa fresca y afable y el brillo de sus ojos, llenos de esperanza. la toma de un lente en el momento preciso y el angulo perfecto, felicidades!
